ExxonMobil in the Petrochemical Industry

Why ExxonMobil?

ExxonMobil is one of the leading energy companies in the world. It produces and markets fuels, petrochemicals, and lubricants worldwide, all of which are very important to the world today. Furthermore, ExxonMobil has a production plant situated on Singapore’s very own Jurong Island!

ExxonMobil has invested S$4 billion in an oil refinery plant on Jurong Island. The refining of crude oil is the most basic of all processes, because it separates all the components of crude oil so that they can be used in various other ways in the manufacturing of many products mentioned above.

What is crude oil?

Crude oil is a fossil fuel. It is useful because it contains hydrocarbons, substances that contain hydrogen and carbon atoms. Hydrocarbons can produce a lot of energy when burned, thus making it suitable for providing for energy needs.

Here are some hydrocarbons present in crude oil:

Paraffins or Alkanes

  • They have a general formula of CnH2n+2
  • The molecules are straight- or branched-chain
  • They can be in gaseous or liquid state at room temperature depending on the type of molecule


  • They have a general formula of C6H5 - Y (Y is a longer, straight molecule)
  • They have ringed structures with one or more rings
  • The rings contain 6 carbon atoms with double and single bonds alternating between the carbon atoms
  • They are usually liquids at room temperature

Naphthenes & Cycloalkanes

  • They have a general formula of CnH2n
  • They have ringed structures with one or more rings
  • The rings contain single bonds between the carbon atoms
  • They are usually liquids at room temperature